June – 2017 – AdExpo

AdExpo launch

An integrated solution for Classified Ads & Job Offers

AdExpo (abbr. for ad exposure, ad exposition) was born from the idea of a group of Information Technology professionals with over 15 years experience in IT companies in Italy.
We have always been fascinated by the IT industry applied to the publishing world with particular attention to Classified Ads and Job Offers.

In the year 2002 was designed MercatinoAnnunci which is among the first free ads sites in Italy.The portal was immediately successful and today it has over 25,000 registered users.
You will find private ads as well as many job vacancies from qualified companies.

Some years later, in 2006, two international classified ads portals were launched: first FreeAds24.com with 146,000 registered users; few months later FreeAds24.eu FreeAds24.uk and FreeAds24.us portals which altogether count 111,000 registered users.

In 2009 it is the turn of another ads portal located in Italy, Annuncy.it witch is specializes in real estate ads, cars, motorbikes and job offers with over 2,000 registered users and about 150,000 active ads.

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